Our expertise isn’t limited to just the construction side of things. We offer a full strata management service as well. Large buildings can be hard to maintain and manage, especially if the various commercial spaces are occupied by different companies or landlords. This is where we come in.
Our strata managers (also known as body corporate managers or strata managing agents) can look after buildings of any size and function. Our strata management services include:
• Ensuring health and safety compliance.
• Maintaining the corporate register on behalf of the building’s owner.
• Managing invoice payments for facilities projects.
• Organising various office-based meetings including the annual general meeting.
• Repairing and maintaining the building and its surrounding area.
• Offering expert advice on how to manage complex strata problems.
• Carrying out remedial works around the building.
• Maintaining the good condition of the building.
• Managing existing or ad hoc facilities staff.
Our years of experience in the construction and management industries have fully equipped us to handle the day to day running of a building of any size. We know buildings inside and out, and we know what it takes to keep a large network of offices in good nick. Some common issues which can crop up in older buildings include: damage to concrete spalling; weak underpinning; crooked lintels and unsafe roofing.
Our team includes experienced strata managers and project managers who can deal with every issue that arises in your building or office block. We can provide a full range of administrative and management services, and if there are any physical issues with the building, our Eastpoint colleagues are just a phone call away.